All About Wedding Hashtags And How to Come Up With Your Own

All About Wedding Hashtags And How to Come Up With Your Own

All About Wedding Hashtags And How to Come Up With Your Own – Thanks to the all-pervasive influence of social media, wedding hashtags have become a hot favorite element of personalization for couples the world over. Whether it is an Indian wedding or a Western celebration, the love for creating clever and meaningful hashtags remains the same. In addition to providing a catchy and endearing way to describe a wedding, these custom tags also help encapsulate the celebrations and the love story of the couple digitally. By creating a tapestry of photo and video memories under them, they allow loved ones to be a part of the couple’s wedding story in many ways.

wedding hashtags

It is no wonder that most new-age couples love joining this bandwagon, creating hashtags for weddings and spreading the joy of their union to everyone they love, including those guests who cannot attend the wedding in person.

Here is a look into the significance of wedding hashtags, and how they should be used.

The significance of wedding hashtags

Starting with the basics, a hashtag can be a word or a phrase that you use on social media pertaining to a specific topic or subject. In the case of hashtags for weddings, the subject would be a specific wedding between two individuals. It is an excellent way for friends and family to post pictures of the bride and the groom and their celebrations, and have them collated or accessible for everyone. One of the reasons why this is particularly wonderful is that it lets all guests at a wedding, regardless of whether they know each other, post pictures online including each other. Unlike a personal tag, a hashtag is a more common usage that allows everyone to be a part of a wedding celebration digitally.

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Hashtags have been around for years now and were originally used on Twitter (now X). With time, they came to be used across all social media channels, acting as a way for people to organize photos, videos, and posts of specific occasions, such as weddings.

Wedding hashtags officially originated around the year 2012 and were used as a means for couples to create a digital album on social media that guests could scroll through. They served a similar purpose as disposable cameras, and needless to say, they encouraged everyone to post wishes, messages, photos, and more for the happy couple.

Tips to create hashtags for weddings

Wedding hashtags are a great way to extend your celebrations digitally and allow all who could not attend to be a part of your union. If you wish to incorporate hashtags for your wedding, here are some tips to get started.

Start with your names or nicknames

The easiest way to find a unique and personal hashtag for your wedding is to incorporate your name or nickname. Write them down for clarity and play around to find unique, clever, or fun combinations that may sound catchy, yet meaningful. Incorporate puns, rhyming words, or alliterations to spice up the phrase, and finalize when it makes sense. You can even use a hashtag phrase in your regional language if you have one.

Incorporate your story or journey together

Another way to find a unique wedding hashtag is to reflect on your love story or wedding story. Consider aspects like your first date, your first holiday together, the proposal story, how you met, any personal moments that were special for the two of you in your journey, etc. Deep and emotionally significant elements in your relationship can inspire special and unique hashtags.

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Do not make it too long

Some couples make the mistake of using too long a hashtag; the problem with this is that it deceives the purpose, which is to encourage sharing and digital participation. Long hashtags being hard to remember, phrase, or spell, will likely not be used by your friends and family correctly. This will render your hashtag useless; ultimately, your hashtag-generated digital wedding keepsake will never take shape.

Avoid generic words or phrases

As mentioned earlier, hashtags are meant for couples to have an organized and collated digital album of pictures and videos from their wedding day. To avoid other pictures from coming into the array, it is best to make it as unique as possible. Using generic words or phrases is hence a bad idea, as it may already have been used by others in different ways. Think of ways to make your hashtag as personal as possible, yet easy to remember and use.


With a wedding hashtag, the sole aim is to encourage sharing. For the same reason, avoid using overly complex words, phrases, or concepts that might be hard to remember for guests. Choose simple, effortless, and easy words that ideally roll off the tongue, or are catchy, and easily memorable for all.

Consider adding dates or numbers for uniqueness

If it appears challenging to make your hashtag unique with words, consider adding numbers to the mix. Incorporate dates such as the year in which you met, your wedding date, or your proposal date to create a unique, fun, and meaningful hashtag.

Use hashtag generators only for inspiration

With the mainstream usage of AI-infused technologies these days, using one to create your wedding hashtag might seem like an easy and foolproof thing to do. However, it may not be the best idea, as it can lead to repetitive and all-too-common words or phrases. Additionally, there will always be a lack of a personal touch.

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Hence, the best way to go is to use hashtag generators or other AI technologies to generate words or phrases for inspiration. Have the tools generate some thoughtful aspects of your story, and brainstorm ways to make it unique and personal for your wedding. As mentioned earlier, avoid common words or phrases that might end up being used by others as well.

Test your final picks

Lastly, be sure to put your final hashtag picks to the test on social media. Go to your explore page, type in your newly generated wedding hashtag, and see what shows up; ideally, there should be zero results. Consider sharing your hashtag ideas with your close friends and family members as well before finalizing, to see what they feel about it. Sometimes, an external opinion or insight can help you see your hashtag in a new light.

How many hashtags to create

The rule is always to uncomplicate; hence it is best to create a single hashtag for your wedding. However, if you have a large celebration with several events over several days, you can consider having separate, but similar hashtags for different events.

A few genetic wedding hashtag ideas for inspiration

Here are a few generic yet interesting hashtags that you can seek inspiration from for your wedding.

·       #VowsAndWow

·       #HitchedAndHappy

·       #LoveAtFirstSwipe

·       #TheAdventureBegins

·       #CheersToTheCharmedLife

·       #WedlockStockAndBarrel

·       #MeantToBee

·       #OneMooreTime

·       #HappiLeeEverAfter

·       #WeSaidIDough

Wrapping up

Wedding hashtags are the most interestingly unique elements that you can add to your wedding experience to enhance its magic. Thanks to social media, they not only lend a catchy and fun way to describe your union but also allow your loved ones to be part of the celebration digitally. This is particularly helpful for those guests who may not be able to attend your wedding in person. Consider the above-mentioned tips when trying to come up with a hashtag for your wedding. Use the ideas for inspiration, and find your best fit.

For beautiful and dreamy wedding pictures to accompany your hashtag, contact Shan Photography.

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